Board of Directors

Mr Law Kung Ming
Chief Executive OfficerMr Law was appointed to Cheung Woh's Board of Directors on 18 May 1979. Since Mr Law joined our Company in 1976, he has accumulated more than 40 years of experience in logistics, materials planning, production control, quality assurance and other manufacturing activities. He is the Chief Executive Officer of the Group and Managing Director of Cheung Woh Technologies (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. He is responsible for the sales and marketing efforts and the overall operation of the Group.

Ms Law Yu Chui
Finance and Administrative DirectorMs Law was appointed to Cheung Woh's Board of Directors on 15 February 1980. Ms Law is responsible for our Group's finance and administrative matters, which include cash flow planning, foreign exchange management, financial analysis and human resource management. She has been working with our Company since 1983.